Keep Your Workplace Safe
Since June is National Safety Month, we thought there was no better time than now to examine safety within our office space. The goal for any office is to ensure that employees feel comfortable, safe and protected at all times. Since accidents can happen, and things are sometimes out of our control, it’s important to be prepared no matter what. Below we have chosen some of our favorite products that guarantee to keep your office and employees safe at work.
Stock Up on Your Safety Supplies
ProLine Pro 10MP Fire Extinguisher
Particulate Respirator 8210Plus
Genesis Wraparound Safety Glasses
General Utility Spandex Gloves
PELTOR OPTIME 105 High Performance Ear Muffs
SparkPlugs PlugStation Dispenser
Full Facepiece Respirator 6000 Series
Sealed Battery Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Microsaver DS Ultra-Thin Laptop Lock
First Aid Antiseptic Towelettes
Saline Personal Eyewash Bottles
Bloodstop Sterile Hemostat Gauze Pad